Chamaele decumbens

Family Apiaceae (alt. Umbelliferae)
Scientific name Chamaele decumbens (Thunberg ex Murray) Makino
Synonyms Sium decumbens Thunberg
Common name (Japanese common name) sen-tou-sou (セントウソウ, 仙洞草 [cave of legendary wizard weed])
(English common name) none
Distribution (Japan) Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu
(Other nations) none
Habitat Forest
Chromosomal number unknown
Description Leaves 3-7cm long, 2-6cm wide. Scapes 10-25cm tall. Flowers white, flowering in March to May. Fruits 2.5-3.5cm long. Perennial plants.
Reference Phylogenetic relationship of medicinally importantCnidium officinale and Japanese Apiaceae based onrbcL sequences
Note Native to Japan.

April 2009
at Tsukuba Botanical Garden
April 2009
at Tsukuba Botanical Garden
April 2009
at Tsukuba Botanical Garden

May 2007
at Mt. Tsukuba
May 2007
at Mt. Tsukuba
May 2007
at Mt. Tsukuba

April 2006
at lowland forest edge
April 2006
at lawland forest edge
April 2006
at lowland forest edge