Silene gracillima

Family Caryophyllaceae
Subfamily Caryophylloideae
Tribe Sileneae
Scientific name Silene gracillima Rohrbach
Synonyms Lychnis gracillima (Rohrbach) Makino; Lychnis stellarioides Maximovicz
Common name (Japanese common name) senjyu-ganpi (センジュガンピ, 千手岩菲 [meaning: Thousand Armed Avalokiteshwara ganpi (ganpi=Silene coronata Thunbenrg)])
(English common name) none
Distribution (Japan) Hokkaido, Honshu (north of Central region)
(Other nations) none
Habitat Alpine or subalpine forest
Chromosomal number 2n=24 (2x)
Description Plants 40-100cm tall. Leaves 5-14cm long, 1-3.5cm wide. Flowers white ca. 2cm across, flowering in July to August. Fruits ca. 1cm long. Perennnial plants.
Reference Lychnis gracillima Makino
Note Endemic to Japan.

June 2010
at a wild plants nursery
June 2010
at a wild plants nursery